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Kym Lam Sam

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I'm an entrepreneur, strategist and designer, specialising in brand strategy, brand development, graphic design, visual communication and design thinking. With nearly 15 years of expertise in strategic branding and design, I uphold clear communication and bold simplicity as the cornerstones of exceptional design. In today's social media-centric world, I excel at enabling brands to pierce through the clutter and convey their unique value proposition effectively to their target audience. From founding a tech startup, co-founding a not-for-profit DAO, freelancing as a strategist and designer, or volunteering my time to mentor young men, I leverage this same skillset in unique ways to help each person or business be the best they can be. 👉 If you want to learn more about my tech startup Tribe of Ones, flick me a message. I love to connect with others who are passionate about the democratisation of education. 👉 If you are looking for a visual communications expert who's kick-ass at what he does, flick me a message. For new branding and design clients, I offer a complimentary, no-obligation 30-minute brand consultation, after which you'll receive a one-page strategic brand assessment.

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