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Landon Wilcock

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As an Associate - Advisory at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change (TBI), I work with governments and leaders around the world to design and implement reforms that improve the lives of their citizens. I leverage my expertise in policy-making, analysis, and communication to influence decision making and solve complex problems across various sectors and contexts. Before joining TBI, I advised a leader of a G7 country and a state Minister on key political and policy issues, including climate, energy, transportation, food security, and education. I managed policy files, secured over $400M in new funding, and authored over 100 briefing notes. I also spearheaded the development and initial draft of a national political leader's policy platform. I hold an MPhil in Public Policy from the University of Cambridge and a BA in Political Studies from Queen's University. I am passionate about consulting, climate, energy, politics, and policy, and I welcome any opportunities to connect and collaborate with like-minded professionals.

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