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Larry G. Maguire

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I am a work & organisational psychologist in private practice with 20+ years experience as an SME business owner. I am also a lecturer in psychology at Dublin Business School. I completed my MSc in Work & Organisational Psychology at DCU and hold an honours BA degree in Psychology from Dublin Business School. I am a graduate member of The Psychological Society of Ireland, a member of the Association for Coaching, a Registered Psychometric Test User BPS, and hold practitioner's professional indemnity. I write regularly on topics including human behaviour, performance, creativity, society, culture, science, art & work, business & marketing. My work extends to assisting business owners, sportspeople, self-employed professionals, executives and direct employees to find clarity & direction in their work. ➤ Business & Career Background I began my business career in 2000 providing technical electrical & security systems to private and commercial clients such as Intel, DB Schenker and US Government, subsequently growing the business to 25 staff. I left the service and construction industry in 2014, and today I focus my time on writing, studying, researching and working with clients. ➤ Education In April 2020, I completed a 4-year BA honours degree in Psychology at Dublin Business School and subsequently went on to complete an MSc in Work & Organisational Psychology at DCU. My research interests include workplace well-being amongst the self-employed, the psychology of creativity, the science of assessment, human behaviour and performance. ➤ Affiliations Graduate member of the Psychological Society of Ireland. Member of the Association for Coaching Register of Qualified Test Users (BPS) Member CIPD ➤ Work I am a lecturer in psychology and currently work in private practice with individuals and SME business owners seeking clarity and direction in their daily work. If you are starting in business or thinking about it, you are a seasoned business veteran, or a direct employee disillusioned and at odds with your work and career, get in touch to arrange an initial consultation. ➤ Newsletter Every Sunday, I send my readers Sunday Letters. I take primarily the material from the fields of psychology, philosophy, and the traditional sciences, blend it with my own particular life experience and maintain a focus on human performance and creativity. I write to share ideas that are worth sharing; ideas about the meaning of life, the purpose of daily work, and the nature of reality as we perceive it. 📚Read the archive; https://sundayletters.larrygmaguire.com/

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