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Thomas Larson

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As a Product Manager at ProcurementIQ, I lead the product life cycle of ProcurementIQ and IBISWorld's product ecosystem, managing the development of technical integration apps and products. I have a passion for creating innovative, customer-centric products that spur business expansion and capture market share. I leverage my dual BA degree in English and Political Science from Indiana University Bloomington, and my expertise in market research, to harness data-driven insights, manage high-impact projects, and foster effective stakeholder relationships. I am skilled at synchronizing user needs with strategic corporate goals to drive product success, further manifesting in the creation of robust go-to-market strategies. I was recognized as the 2019 Analyst of the Year for launching and managing CustomIQ, ProcurementIQ's custom research service. I am always eager to connect with other professionals and collaborate on product management or market research topics. I value innovation, customer satisfaction, and continuous learning. Feel free to reach out if you'd like to discuss potential opportunities or share insights.

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