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Laura Cenova's Linkedin Analytics

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⭐️ I specialize in leading teams to achieve success that emphasizes collaboration, best practices, and continuous improvement. Proven success in delivering optimal efficiency, cost savings, and support across departments. o Operational Excellence o End-to-End (E2E) thinking o ERP / MRP navigation o Customer focused KPIs o Training and encouraging self up skill o Problem solving o Decision making o Departmental impact and interaction o Supplier management, negotiation, agreements, KPIs 💻Technology Proficiency and Implementation Experience Thanks to my extensive experience with various ERP and reporting systems, I possess a unique aptitude for mastering new software with ease. Netstock, Sage, JDA, JDE, Oracle, OBIee, Vertance, Crystal Reporting, M2M, MCA, STS, MMS, PRMS, Fourgen, Informix, Arthur Allocation, Evavi, STARS, PeopleSoft, Excel, Word, Outlook, Teams, Adobe, PowerPoint, Visio, Smart Sheets

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