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Lauren FitzHugh's Linkedin Analytics

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Lauren FitzHugh

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Whole brain 🧠 marketer making magic 🔮 happen for brands. When I’m not eyeing 👀 analytics 📊, I’m practicing yoga 🧘🏻‍♀️, drinking champagne 🥂, or sharing my version of the day’s headlines 🗞 to my instagram 🤳🏻stories. Also: libra ♎️, coffee lover ☕️, world traveler 🗺. Currently:🛡️💰 making the world a better place by matching risk with capital through ILS at Ledger Investing. Passionate brand builder with 15 years of experience in B2B, B2C, and DTC marketing for startups - #fintech, #insurtech, #blockchain, #crypto, #VC, and more. Data-driven and results-focused, I thrive in fast-paced, entrepreneurial environments. My get-it-done attitude hasn’t met a challenge it doesn’t like. I bring creativity and passion to the brands I work with leveraging #contentmarketing, #leadgen #demandgen, #brandmarketing, and more.

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