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Lazar Anderson

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In 2014 I took a chance on a scrappy little startup focused on sales & prospecting efficacy. It was far from my first sales role, but this one was different. I loved the impact I got to make on organizations and people, and since then I've spent nearly a decade helping revenue teams of all shapes and sizes improve and grow. Though my title was SDR, as a founding member of that sales team I also consider this my first enablement role. We had no sales content, so I learned to write. We had no processes, so I learned to create and measure them. We had no formal training, so I learned everything I could from anywhere I could. And now, I get to be the person I needed when I was younger. I believe that enablement & ops have a tremendous multiplier effect on teams, as we sit at the crossroads of strategy, process, content, training, tech, and culture to drive sustainable outcomes. As a naturally curious person who enjoys problem-solving and new challenges, I love finding creative ways to make an impact and help others. Technologies Administered: Sales Engagement: Outreach.io, High Velocity Sales, Frontspin, KiteDesk, Outplay CRM: Salesforce, Pipedrive Contact Data: ZoomInfo, Seamless.ai, DemandScience Intelligence (Leadiro), KiteDesk Conversational Intelligence: Gong.io, Chorus Conversational Sales/Marketing: Drift, Qualified Social: LinkedIn Sales Navigator, Facebook Ads Manager Collaboration: Slack, Zoom, Monday.com, Trello, G-Suite, Outlook Content Management System (CMS): Highspot, Confluence Other: Postal.io (gifting), Dooly.ai (Note-taking)

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