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Leandro Correa Artuso's Linkedin Analytics

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Leandro Correa Artuso

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MBA in Project Management, Mechanical Engineer, graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais. Advanced English with international work experience (Italy and Argentina). Experience in project management at FCA Argentina. Intense performance in automotive industries. Solid experience in team coordination, leadership, production process management, supplier contract management, project management, import of industrial equipment, preparation of technical protocols, technical negotiation with international suppliers. Experience with process improvements, development and implementation of projects following the WCT (World Class. Technology) methodology, control of indicators and various audits. CAPEX and OPEX management. Solid knowledge in SAP, Microsoft Project, AutoCAD, TEAMCENTER, eDrawings, WCM. Deep knowledge and expertise in parts machining, quality control, operation of machining centers, setup of machines for manufacturing parts for the automotive industry.

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