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Leandro Tadashi Ueki

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Information Security professional, more than 20 years of experience. Previous experiences include operations, engineering, consultant and management roles, most recently responsible for security solution architecture for financial services companies. Experience working with Identity & Access Management, Security Monitoring & Incident Response and vulnerability management covering both on prem and public cloud environment. Key accomplishments: • Development of patterns for securing containers and orchestrators, including vulnerability & compliance management, security integration to IDEs and CI/CD pipelines • Design of identity and access management solutions for public cloud environment, including privileged access management, identity governance and administration & identity federation • Management of security operations for insurance company in Latin America, including direct reports spread across six business units in the region. Improvements on security control implementation and security metrics are some of the key achievements; • Service delivery manager responsible for the delivery of data centre services to a client on energy industry, including successful disaster recovery tests over 100% of the production infrastructure • Successful implementation and maintenance of Information Security Management System based on ISO 27000 Key Skills: • Cloud Security • Identity and Access Management • Risk & Compliance Management • Communication and relationship management Currently focused on exploring cloud native technologies and design of solutions to address security challenges in the public cloud environment. Author of documentation and technology patterns in the following domains: • DevSecOps • Security of Containers & Orchestrators • Identity & Access Management • Security Logging and Event Management

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