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Lela S.

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📈 Results-Proven Instructional Designer with over a decade of experience in learning and development, training, project management, and visual design. I excel at establishing learning objectives and translating them into meaningful, engaging, and interactive training solutions for diverse learners. My approach combines instructional design models, data-driven decision-making, and a deep understanding of adult education to deliver professional project execution. 💼 HERE'S WHAT I DO: I leverage a variety of instructional design models, including ADDIE, Action Mapping, Kirkpatrick Model, Dick and Carey Model, and SAM. I collaborate with subject matter experts to determine training needs and design solutions that ensure a return on investment. I create frameworks, define clear measurable objectives using Bloom's Taxonomy, develop activities and assessments, and design engaging learning experiences that captivate learners through quality visual design and interactive content. 🛠 HOW I GET IT DONE: I bring passion and energy to my work, fostering constructive criticism while collaborating with team members. I generate ideas and pursue flexibility to expand the reach and impact of the learning environment. 💭 WHAT I BELIEVE: I'm a firm believer that designing engaging and captivating learning experiences guides participants toward personal and professional growth, leading to increased productivity and exceptional performance improvements for organizations. 💪🏽 KEY STRENGTHS • Instructional/Learning Experience Design • eLearning Development • Project Management • SAM (Agile Principles) • ADDIE • Continuous Improvement 💻 TECHNICAL SKILLS • Authoring Tools - Articulate 360 Storyline/Rise • Project Management - Trello, Asana, Monday.com, Jira • Graphic Design/Multimedia Production - Canva, Audacity, Camtasia, Adobe Premiere, Vyond • Communication - Slack, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype • Productivity - Microsoft Office 365, Google Workspace

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