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Lennart S.'s Linkedin Analytics

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Lennart S.

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I am an internal B2B marketing consultant at Accenture, with over 17 years of experience in the digital marketing industry and 8 years of expertise in sales and buyer enablement. I work within the Global Marketing Team to help accelerate progress against our biggest strategic priorities, by creating and executing marketing projects with short-term goals and measurable outcomes. My core competencies include designing buyer and customer journey experiences, coaching and managing teams, implementing account-based marketing, content strategy, and social selling processes, and leveraging AI-powered marketing technology to make B2B buying easier. I am passionate about generating full-funnel results by aligning marketing and sales teams, and driving business leads effectively in complex B2B environments. I am always eager to learn, innovate, and collaborate with leadership and stakeholders at all levels. If you're interested in learning more about how I can assist you in achieving your digital growth marketing goals in complex B2B environments, feel free to connect with me!

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