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Leonard Young Jr.

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Since 1987, I have been privileged to work in many capacities here at the MWRA. Throughout this time I have found I have a love for learning and for teaching, be it safety, asset management applications (RCM, Maximo), or just about anything to young people. Whether it is reading to elementary students with Everybody Wins or mentoring a young professional with NEWEA, or just showing an old friend how to get used to using a computer, this is the aspect of my job I enjoy most. Because I enjoy it, I work hard at sharing that feeling with others, because I want them to enjoy these too. Ultimately, there is so much that needs to be done and the more the merrier. Specialties: Planning and Scheduling w/Maximo, Wastewater and Collections System Operator, RCM Facilitator, Confined Space Entry Instructor, First Responder, Hazard Communication (RTK) Instructor, Mentoring

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