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Leonid Gladilin's Linkedin Analytics

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Leonid Gladilin

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Hey there, thanks for stopping by my profile! For the TL;DR peeps: I help retailers and e-commerce to grow profit. Analyze your P&L, CRM, and Reports to identify growth opportunities. By reducing costs and improving opportunities, you can achieve an average of 27% growth. The longer version: My superpower is to enhance sales and profits by identifying and resolving critical retail business problems through: ↳ holistic analysis of P&L, Workflows, Reports, CRM, GA; ↳ process improvements, and automatization. 🎯 You significantly win from my services if you are: Retailer or Brand that sells on DTC, B2C or B2B business models. Retailer with online stores, physical stores, or a mix of both (hybrid/omnichannel) 🔍 Your Common Challenges: ↳ New customers don’t stick around, leading to a lack of repeat purchases ↳ Tension and lack of synergy between online and offline retail teams ↳ Uncertain about how to create services or a subscription model ↳ Profits are low, or expenses are higher than earnings ↳ Lots of daily work but minimal visible impact ↳ Marketing costs rise faster than sales ↳ Reliance on discounts to drive sales 📈 How I Address These Challenges. My approach involves a deep dive into your business model, identifying the specific issues. I then craft tailored strategies to: ↳ Develop a sales approach that is less dependent on discounts ↳ Successfully integrate new services or subscription models ↳ Streamline operations for greater efficiency and impact ↳ Foster collaboration between online and offline teams ↳ Balance marketing spending with sales growth ↳ Enhance customer retention and loyalty ↳ Improve profit and loss outcomes If these challenges resonate with you, let’s connect! 📮 DM to Transform Your Business: email: [email protected] Cheers, Leonid

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