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Linda Calabria

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With over 15 years of experience in product & marketing I have had my hands in a variety of projects. My last 3 years at a start up have been a combination of strategy, branding, product management, operations, partner management, and marketing, to name a few responsibilities. With new insight into regulatory and QMS affairs, I've been able to help our business ensure success when we go to market with our new prosthetic device. Marketing & product needs to know the goals of the overall business and how to differentiate their product in a saturated market, and that can't be done in a vacuum. There are other critical handoffs that have to take place, such as those between strategy, creative, engineering, product, and sales. I am self-motivated and accustomed to working under pressure in large global organizations, as well as small start-ups, quickly developing new strategies to achieve the goals of a regional business unit. Not one to sit and wait, I'll hit the ground running to get the team some quick wins. Whether the product/service falls into a B2B or B2C industry, my style of content centers on evoking emotion and helping drive sales through a focus on the user or target audience. No marketing budget? No problem! Large budget? Let's go! These are the skills I have sharpened in my past roles: • Building a team & business unit • Creating a GTM strategy from the ground up in a start up organization by focusing on the "WHY?" • Launching new products • Helping to grow existing product offerings through effective internal & external comm. • Adjusting marketing tactics based on market & competitor landscape • Increasing brand awareness • Market research • Creating & executing upon yearly marketing roadmaps • Managing marketing budgets spanning from $500K to $2M • Strategically optimizing the exposure, reach, & effectiveness of our brand marketing communication • Creating new nurturing and lead generation campaigns (through social, email, and SEO)

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