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Lira Low

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"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi A world without vision would be a terrible prospect, which is why I have dedicated my career to bringing peaceful and equitable solutions to conflicts. For the past 13 years I have been practising the art of conflict resolution, delving from the outermost public diplomatic realm of the Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the discreet world of private diplomacy with the Geneva-based Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD Centre), and finally to the deepest inner conflicts of the human mind advising international peace building work on trauma, mental health and psychosocial support, alongside counselling individuals through interpersonal challenges. Now these paths have collectively led to the creation of The Mencius Advisory, where I guide and accompany individuals, couples, families and companies facing interpersonal and workplace challenges through mediation and conflict resolution strategies with backed by science-based mental health support. The Mencius Advisory is located in a convenient, warm and safe space along the Limmat river at Schifflände 22, 8001 Zürich between Stadelhofen station and the Hauptbahnhof. Come right in, whether near or far. I'd love to learn how I can support you in person or over a video call. Bookings for a discovery call or appointment: https://tidycal.com/themenciusadvisory To learn more, please see www.themenciusadvisory.ch

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