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Lisa Bellile, M.S. Ed.

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I am an entrepreneur and creator of both Life Coaching with Lisa B. and Speak For the W.I.N. My engaging storytelling style in Speak For the W.I.N. demonstrates to others how to embrace change by actively participating in the process in a relatable, grounded, and fun manner. I am a self-taught CANVA user and self-published author. I have self-published: *Interactive Social Emotional Learning Resource Workbook to support youth at home and school *Embrace Change: Speak For the W.I.N. workbook *Out-Of-Context One-Liners Educators On The Dating Scene Vol. 1 (everyone needs a good laugh) Job Competencies: ● Created well-developed and strong educational content on various platforms ● Built and executed instructor-led training for diverse audiences ● Extensive experience organizing and scheduling in-person or virtual group training and activities ● Effective and clear presenter ● Entrepreneur and networking abilities With 20+ years of analyzing data and implementing plans for changing human behavior, I've used my knowledge and experiences to speak about and teach ways to embrace change. As a former D1 athlete, coach, educator, mom, and wife, I have lived through intentional and unexpected life transformations. As an educator, my role on interview teams included reviewing resumes, participating in team interviews, and playing a role in the hiring decision process. I am people-centered and goal-driven when it comes to my job. Some hard skills are necessary to align with a position, but the power skills a candidate brings are also important. I enjoy watching silly Tik Tok videos for a good laugh, dancing like no one is watching, and being a good human. #learninganddevelopment #motivationalspeaker #lifelonglearner #goals #purpose #positiverelationships #mindset #workingmoms #womenleaders #socialemotionallearning #sel #microlearning #changemanagement #transitioningteacher

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