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Lisa Bournelis BA, MA, CCMP, HSDP, CSM's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Lisa Bournelis BA, MA, CCMP, HSDP, CSM

Lisa Bournelis BA, MA, CCMP, HSDP, CSM

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Brief Professional Bio Lisa began her career in program management and leadership working with the United Nations Refugee Agency, the UN High Commission for Human Rights and several non-governmental organizations in war-torn regions around the world. Specializing in women's and children’s issues, Lisa then went on to work for the UK's National Health Service in inner-London as the Public Health Lead for the Sure Start Local Program. This government-funded initiative focused on the provision of multidisciplinary clinical support for children under 5 and their families. Upon her return to Canada, Lisa has worked with Fraser Health's Strategic Transformation Team since 2008, transforming systems for better health. Promoted as a Leader within the Innovation, Planning and Transformation Team within one of Canada’s largest health authorities, she has since overseen complex portfolios such as access and flow during the Covid pandemic, the development of a regional tertiary perinatal program, Ebola preparedness planning for the province, and the development of a strategic plan for the Public Health program. Lisa is also passionate about culture and has supported the development of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, the implementation of the Indigenous Antiracism Action Plan, and the organization's People and Culture strategy. In addition to her leadership role, Lisa has delivered numerous presentations at health conferences and has published several articles on the use of human systems dynamics and change tools to promote continuous quality improvement. She is a recent author and TEDx speaker examining the use of change management tools to support personal goal setting and wellness in the workplace.

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