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Lisa M.

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I design professional learning experiences in the education technology industry, and I have a knack for cross-functional collaboration to build effective processes that benefit internal stakeholders. I am often called upon to serve as a subject matter expert and a voice of the customer, and I love partnering with my colleagues in Customer Support, Customer Success, UI/UX, and Product to continuously improve the educator experience. Learning new things excites me, and it's even more exciting to do so in service to developing great professional learning experiences. Whether designing learning for online or onsite environments, my goal is always to maximize interactivity and engagement among participants to ensure that they are able to retain important information and embed those concepts into their own practice. Instructional Design | Curriculum Design | Training + Staff Development | Teaching | Systems Design | Workshops + Training | Professional Learning | Comprehensive Needs Assessment | Implementation Science | Adult Learning Methodologies | Project Management | eLearning | Instructor-Led Training | Customer Education | Professional Services

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