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Liz Halls

open on linkedin

All change again from 1st October 2023! For any new enquiries, my availability will be Wednesdays and Thursdays only. This does not affect my existing clients. For existing clients, feel free to call me on 07566251665 with any urgent queries. If you are a potential new client, please drop me an email [email protected] introducing yourself and your business. I can facilitate a discovery session to understand whether working together is suitable for us both, to lead on to the planning session that will ultimately create the HR strategy that supports the Business strategy. I work with senior managers and leadership teams to understand their business activities and strategies and align them with the people elements to ensure a business generates true profitability. Unless you have a factory full of robots, it's actually people who make the money in your business so if you don't know what people are doing or how well they are doing it, chances are you don't know how profitable those people are to your business. I work predominantly with manufacturing, engineering and distribution businesses in Staffordshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. I am happy to support businesses further afield also. Contact me: By email [email protected] By phone 07566 251665 Twitter @Tayloredhr FB @TayloredHRconsultants

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