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Laura Rodgers - Assoc. CIPD's Linkedin Analytics

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Laura Rodgers - Assoc. CIPD

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You started your self-employed journey to get out of the 'corporate' world, make an impact, help others, and do things differently...am I right? But you probably didn't start your self-employed journey to get caught up in all the 'behind the scenes' business tasks, OR to do the tasks you would normally hand over to an assistant. So why not work with an assistant in your own business? I set up LM Virtual to support SMEs, Freelancers, and People Pro's with the behind-the-scenes so you can focus on using your expertise to create a bigger impact in your business. Areas I can support you with - ✔️ BreatheHR set ups and updates ✔️ Contract population/mail outs ✔️ Handbook creation/formatting ✔️ Onboarding ✔️ Recruitment ✔️ Creating branded templates ✔️ Proposal drafting ✔️ Project set ups ✔️ Digital products ✔️ Email marketing By partnering with me, you get a 'wingwoman' who will support you in your business, share the load, and keep you accountable ⭐️ For more info on how we can work together, drop me a message to chat 📧

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