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Hello there! I'm a creative soul driven by the art of storytelling. As a self-published author of four fiction books, I specialize in story telling that delve into the psychological suspense, thriller, and dark/harsh realities of our world. From concise short stories to bite-sized micro-tales and expansive long-format fiction book, I love pushing my creative boundaries to offer fresh perspectives. I'm always eager to channel my creative writing skills into making a meaningful impact. My creative writing skills have consistently been recognized as one of my true calling, and I am excited to explore new opportunities to leverage them to make a meaningful impact. When I'm not working, you'll find me immersed in fiction and non-fiction books, binging on OTT series, or exploring new places for inspiration. I'm open to connections and collaborations that can lead to something incredible. Let's connect and explore how we can bring our creative visions to life! Cheers, Luvv A Sanwal

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