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Madeleine Nance's Linkedin Analytics

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Madeleine Nance

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Hey there! I'm Maddie. I'm an Australian / New Zealander living in America. When you work with me, you get the kind of copywriting that will break your heart—then put all the pieces back together with so much warmth, you'll be left beaming. That's how I help nonprofits raise boatloads of funds. My client list for copywriting 'from scratch' is full right now... But I have another way to support those wanting to turn their written communications into 💰 — whether you're a charity, business, agency or writer. You can have thoughtful editing, feedback, and rewrites when you join Kind Word. It's a month-by-month content review subscription to support you as long as you need. I'd love to help you connect better with your dream donor, or your ideal customer. Send me a message and we can chat 🙂 P.S. Are you based outside the US? All good. I work with clients all around the world.

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