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Madge Meyer

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Madge M. Meyer - a public speaker, award-winning author, and the founder of “Madge Meyer Consulting, LLC” - is known for her unique yet practical approach to advancing innovation and leadership throughout entire organizations. Her book, “The Innovator’s Path” - “How Individuals, Teams, and Organizations Can Make Innovation Business as Usual”, was published by Wiley and it has received Axiom Business Book 2014 Award in the Success/Motivation/Coaching category . Madge was the Chief Innovation Officer and Technology Fellow at State Street Corporation, where she served as Executive Vice President for over a decade. She is working with MIT Collaborative Initiatives to bring innovative solutions to problems ranging from healthcare, education, sustainability and veterans’ reintegration Madge has been recognized with 16 awards for her industry and community achievements, including Bank Systems & Technology “Elite 8 Innovators” and Bank Technology News “10th Annual Innovators List”. Under her leadership, Madge’s teams at State Street were also recognized with 32 awards for innovation and excellence, including 12 IT environmental sustainability honors. Video - https://youtu.be/OZ0vUu7sHJU She was featured by State Street Alumni Network https://www.statestreetalumni.com/storydetail/-/journal_content/56_INSTANCE_Rci9/7203680/8611114/CITI_ALUMNI_STORY_FULL_TEMPLATE and she was also featured by TheIWLA magazine for their first Innovation issue. http://theiwla.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/IWMMar-Apr2015.pdf Prior to State Street, Madge held executive positions at IBM and Merrill Lynch. Earlier in her career, she was a scientific programmer working for IBM on the NASA Spaceflights. She is a Trustee for Boston Children's Museum and an advisory board member for some venture capital and non-profit organizations Specialties: Innovation, Leadership, Technology.

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