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Maggie Hudspeth's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Maggie Hudspeth

Maggie Hudspeth

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I'm passionate about helping people with strong vision achieve their goals. I first met the QP Wealth Management team in 2019 when I oversaw the development of the firm’s brand, website, and launch strategy. Now serving as business development executive at QP, I work closely with leadership to identify new opportunities, establish strategic processes, and coordinate thoughtful connections for growth. I have worked in communications for over 12 years, half in financial services. Before joining QP I was the chief marketing officer at TruClarity where I oversaw the marketing division and corporate marketing initiatives for the firm. I counseled clients on marketing strategy, objectives and timelines and served as project manager to create a smooth process among agencies, custodians, legal counsel, and compliance. Prior to TruClarity, I was senior director at BowStern Marketing, an integrated communications agency in Tallahassee, FL. I received a BS in communications, with an emphasis in public relations and a minor in business administration, from Florida State University. Outside of work: I live in Tampa, FL, with my husband, Chase. I enjoy fishing and kayaking and I love going to the beach, taking dance classes and learning guitar. I am an active member of Seminole Heights United Methodist Church. I am also an Iowa Hawkeye and an FSU fan!

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