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Malcolm Kewa's Linkedin Analytics

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Malcolm Kewa

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As a system analyst at the Civil Aviation Safety Authority of Papua New Guinea (CASA PNG), I work with a team of IT professionals to design, develop, and maintain the systems and applications that support our staff. I have a strong passion for education and technology, which led me to pursue a Bachelor of Education in Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services from Don Bosco Technological Institute PNG. I graduated in 2018 and gained valuable experience as a mathematics teacher at Jubilee Catholic Secondary School, where I taught and inspired students to learn and apply mathematical concepts and skills. My core competencies include information technology, training, classroom instruction, system analysis, and problem-solving. I am always eager to learn new skills and explore new avenues that can help me achieve my professional and personal goals. I believe in innovation through hard work and determination, and I strive to break down barriers and overcome challenges in my field.

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