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Manoj Kumar Ponaganti's Linkedin Analytics

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Manoj Kumar Ponaganti

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9.2 years experienced Tableau, SQL and Excel Expert with a proven track record of delivering compelling business insights by developing effective dashboards & data visualizations using the entire stack. Highly skilled in analyzing BI needs and interpreting user requirements to deliver user-friendly reports. Coordinates with multiple business stakeholders to drive excellence in every project & deliver outstanding results. Helped develop a data virtualization platform that allows for evolution of information from raw data utilizing Tableau A creative, adaptive and result-oriented professional with avidness to learn, able to adapt quickly to new technologies and environments. Well organized self-starter, customer-focused, Articulate communicator with strong analytical and interpersonal skills, motivational team member, Strong capability of Problem solver and successful leader with a clear vision. Following the Agile methodology for all projects and finishing those projects in Sprints.

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