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Marc-Henri BUWALDA's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Marc-Henri BUWALDA

Marc-Henri BUWALDA

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I just walked the door… After 8 years in several Sales Departments (including 6 years with Wolters Kluwer France), I took the chance when the new position of Content Manager opened within the Marketing Team. My mission is to manage the whole content marketing strategy to create high value deliverables such as videos, podcasts, infographics but also partnerships (I love IRL interactions ! ) Their purpose is to attract and engage a selected audience. I am glad to address all the audience of the products and services provided by the Legal & Regulatory branch of Wolters Kluwer in France: attorneys, lawyers, notaries, HR, legal departments… Along with my colleagues in the Marketing Department and in other Departments (editorial, sales, creative studio…), I am proactive in creating new formats able to generate qualified traffic and legitimate our expertise close to legal and regulatory professionals. My interest in new technologies and the skills I have acquired as a salesperson are a framework in my everyday missions.

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