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Marco Delvai's Linkedin Analytics

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Marco Delvai

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Experienced senior executive with a demonstrated history of growing (domestically and internationally) Media & Tech businesses operating at the intersection of content, technology and distribution. Over 16 years experience working with industry-leading companies operating across sport, online video (multiple verticals), youth-culture and immersive technology (VR and AR). Focus on growing revenues, structuring and implementing sales strategy, go-to-market strategy and driving new business initiatives/partnerships across (B2B, B2C) markets. Working as XR strategy consultant since early 2021 for a variety of clients inside and outside the XR space (SaaS startups, production studios, media companies, music labels, management consultancies/VC, government agencies and investment banking firms amongst others). Team leadership experience, fluent in 4 languages and accustomed in performing to highly dynamic, technology-driven and fluid environments. Executive training in organisational behaviour, negotiation, copyright for multimedia and design thinking applied to business.

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