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Margo Mulvihill's Linkedin Analytics

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Margo Mulvihill

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You want to get more customers from your investment (time & money) in social media? I can help. How? By: ▪️ Skilling you up on the digital marketing you need to be doing versus the items you do not need to be doing. ▪️ Helping you (and your team) build a digital system that predictably and profitably closes sales. ▪️ Showing you how each element fits together within the customer value journey/sales funnel and the levers you need to pull where and when. Don't just take my word for it-hear what my client's have to say… “Margo is truly amazing, when we were looking for a consultant to help us she gave everything we needed and more. The research and knowledge that this lady has is absolutely thorough." "Margo’s coaching gave us a new clarity on how to approach and craft our content; detailing what to do, and just as essential – what NOT to do." “I followed her recommendations and within hours I was getting new leads, my SM profile exploded and my business is now on a different level! Margo really 'Got me and my Business'. Thanks Margo!” Feel free to book a slot in my calendar and let's grab a virtual ☕️ and have a chat 🙌 https://calendly.com/wheredigitalgoes/30-minute-chat-about-digital-marketing

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