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What would be your company's best Benefit Program? For corporations, Benefit Programs illustrate two major challenges: first, the cost is high, often the 4th or 5th biggest spend on a Financial Statement, and yet, employees rarely appreciate them - certainly not in balance with the expense and administration to operate them. This is why I enjoy helping clients optimize their Benefit Programs - ensuring plans are financially sound, appreciated by employees, managed effectively and with attention to each corporation's specific culture. Benefits are one of the key opportunities to make an impact on how employees feel about their employer, and a key tool for HR and Finance to impact the corporate environment. We make Benefit Programs work! What clients have to say: "Our only regret is that we didn't meet Mark sooner" Dan Hallinan - SMS Machine Tool Limited "Our high expectations and demands have been consistently handled and delivered with a calm and patient attitude and the highest level of integrity." Isaac Hoogland / Fran Bennink - Zip Signs "Thank you again Mark for treating us like superstars and for handling the matter better than we expected. From day one since you and your firm took over our benefits we have had superlative service." Paul Rak - VeriForm Inc. "Your personal touch and sincere approach sets you high above previous providers." Deborah Hoffman - Jefferson Elora Corporation ".. the team goes far beyond the norm to provide exceptional service. You are prompt, friendly, helpful and knowledgeable." Mary Ellen Gilhooly - National Tire Distributors "...exceptional in innovative ideas and cost savings structure ... substantially reduced our premiums ... refunds each of the past three years ...cumulative refund has now exceeded $50,000." Doug Buckerfield - Collison-Goll Limited
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