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Martijn Hoekstra

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I help companies get more visitors, leads and revenue using Google Ads/Adwords (SEA) & Search Engine Optimization (SEO). My specialization as an online marketer is search engine marketing (SEM). I have gained substantial experience both in the field of search engine optimization (SEO) as well as search engine advertising (SEA). Both on the client-side as the agency-side. In 2012 I started as a linkbuilding specialist for an agency. In the following years I have developed myself as a more broad online marketer at several client-side companies. The last few years I have specialized in Google Ads (Adwords) and become a SEA specialist. For this I am certified by Google with the following certificates; - Google Ads Fundamentals - Google Shopping - Google Ads Search-certificate - Google Ads Display-certificate I have also gaining more knowledge and understanding trough serveral online training courses. As an SEA specialist I am responsible for the Google Ads accounts and -budgets of clients. These are my most important day-to-day activities: - Keyword research - Starting Google Ads campaigns - Daily optimization - Reporting of results - Meetings and calls with clients about their Google Ads campaigns In the area of search engine optimization (SEO) my most important tasks are: - Writing strategic SEO plans for clients - Keyword research - On-page SEO using Yoast SEO - Advising about and doing linkbuilding Finally I engage in: ➡ Social Media Marketing ➡ LinkedIn Ads ➡ Facebook Ads ➡ Lead Generation Want to know more? Please send me a connection request here on LinkedIn or email me on: [email protected] (no sales).

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