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Martin Daubney

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Hi, Martin Daubney here, Resilience Expert and published author on the subject. I'm the co-founder of Inspire Coaching GmbH and coaching company, based in Basel, that help people control their stress, build resilience and live with their emotions every day. ☁ Have you ever ended your working day, maybe late, but really tired. You know…really very tired ❓ ☁ Have you found yourself, or even been told by your partner, boss or colleagues that you’re a bit spiky today, you know…a little short tempered, snappy even ❓ ☁ What about waking up at 2 or 3 o’clock because of something that happened during the day, something you forgot to do or maybe something that’s coming up tomorrow and it’s just scared the life out of you ❓ ☁ No ❓ I only ask because I know I have. And now I know that was me experiencing some of the downsides of stress. I even went a little bit further and, just to relax I’d have a little drink in the evening. Just to relax me a little before laying awake in my bed trying to sleep. The stress affected my physical health too. You know, those things you can measure like blood pressure, HDL, HRV and coherence. I am now though delighted to say that those days are over, and they can be over for you too. The Clear Your Head to Get Ahead program is tried & tested and built on a solid foundation of psychology, physiology and technology to bring you the best experience in ridding yourself of the negative effects of stress, to build resilience with techniques you can use right away and share with your family too. Designed for individuals like you, teams and ultimately companies who would like to experience mental wellness but see an upturn in performance of all kind, ultimately leading to High Performing Teams. Within 30 to 60 days you will : ❤️ Generate a common understanding of stress where it comes from and its affects on you ❤️ Understand where our beliefs come from and how, while true, they may not support us. Learn techniques to change the values and beliefs that block us or hold us back. ❤️ Case study reviews and discussion. ❤️ Learn three strategies for building and sustaining resilience ❤️ Experience Coherence and learn how to develop it for peak performance We can also use the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment and the Stress & Well-Being Assessment as a baseline and to measure progress. I believe that we all have the capacity to master our emotions, and live strong and fruitful lives, wherever we are. Book your call now https://bookme.name/MartinDaubney/discovery-call and start making that change now!

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