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Marty Miserandino's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Marty Miserandino

Marty Miserandino

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I’m thinking about starting something new, maybe helping others start their own businesses. I'm also interested in figuring out a way to connect the thousands of people I’ve met over the years and put them together to make great things happen. There have been so many talented folks along the way that I keep thinking about the amazing results that could come about if I connect the right people. Now I’m asking, who do I know that can help me make that happen? I'm also exploring options I haven't even thought of yet. A bit about me: I’m at my best and happiest when other people are having a great experience (they're having fun, feeling motivated, inspired, and enjoying themselves) and I’m the catalyst for that. My plan is to explore connections and opportunities that allow me to do more of this on a day-to-day basis. I want to have a greater impact (connect people, empower others, see their results, contribute), use my social skills and speaking abilities, ignite joy (I'm personable, upbeat, fun to be around – my daughter calls me a mood brightener), and do something significant (fulfilling, meaningful, and that gives me a sense of vitality). I'd definitely like to stay connected and please let me know if you ever need my help, perhaps I'm the Who or I know the Who. More About Me: I am a business owner, Entrepreneur, EforAll Mentor, Ironman triathlete, Fundraiser, Career Advisor, Pizza Maker, Father, Husband, Hockey Coach and Volunteer with a passion for igniting joy, initiating action, energizing, and influencing positive change. My experience includes Retail Management, Recruiting/Headhunting, Entertainment and e-Commerce. I also dabble in Open Innovation Product Development and I'm an InventRight member. I'd love to explore options I don't even know about yet! As an entrepreneur, I have a proven track record of starting and growing successful companies. I am always looking for new opportunities and am not afraid to take risks to turn my ideas into reality. As a DJ, I have a deep understanding of how to energize a crowd and create an unforgettable experience. I bring that same energy to my Ironman training and fundraising efforts. I have successfully completed several Ironman events and raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for various charities. As a volunteer, I am dedicated to giving back to my community and the causes I am passionate about. I have influenced positive change through my involvement in various organizations and have been recognized for my contributions.

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