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Marwin Gaube

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At the age of 17 and the beginning of my saxophone career, I already enjoyed the interdisciplinary way of working and can still be traced like a red thread to this day. I have always been able to establish and use connections between business and hobbies such as the activity as a saxophonist. "Do it with passion or not at all" is a slogan that especially influenced me during my studies in Halle/Saale. and kept me burning for something during my studies! So especially for the "Akademischer Börsenkreis, Universität Halle e.V.", in which I got the chance to develop myself both professionally and in soft skills. To explain the bridge between theory and practice not only to myself but also to fellow students was always a passion for me. I quickly learned to use network effects and built up an interdisciplinary network at the university between initiatives and university committees. Already during my studies I developed a certain inclination towards entrepreneurship and it was clear to me - there's nothing about that! To work independently on my own project and to know to be master of the situation, fantastic! Before I knew it, I was right in the middle of it. In December 2017, I successfully completed my studies in economics and musicology and embarked on a new path. On my way! Together with 3 other guys from the project "CompactChart" our "Compact Solutions GmbH" was founded in August 2018. A scholarship also gave us the opportunity to develop further for one year without the obligation to generate income. I took the opportunity and worked mainly on my language skills as a member and Vice President Public Relations of Toastmasters International in Dresden. After realizing that my own project was not developing as initially expected, I changed sides and have been Innovation Manager at MAGNACUM Beteiligungsgesellschaft since 2019. Behind the investment company is a conglomerate of young companies. Since September 2020, I am an authorized signatory and am happy not only to support #Team1337, but to represent the group of companies. According to the motto "Don't be afraid, to be great" I face challenges. Because the greatest risk in success is the opportunity!

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