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25 years + Experience. Communications Senior Manager. Above all I am a writer. I also conceptualise and execute winning communications strategies that successfully support business needs and bring value while optimising internal resources. Authentic messaging delivered using #metricbased communication tools: valuable when message is sensitive or challenging. Have worked on both sides of media, in journalism and corporate communications, which offers a double perspective. Also true in terms of communications, branding and advertising as have worked on both client and agency side. Senior Manager, Editorial and Press Relations, PwC Luxembourg (current) Communications Manager, Baffinland Iron Mines: Mandated to manage communications from project management phase through complex regulatory phase in sensitive Arctic environment to fully operational stage while conceptualizing new brand and company culture and protecting reputation of ArcelorMittal and Baffinland. Head of Editorial, Internal Communications, ArcelorMittal Group. Headhunted to lead editorial team to develop, embed and valuate global brand internally and externally. Mandate to instill pride and push visibility for new company culture in merged workforce across a global network of diverse nationalities and “bolt-holed” companies. CHECK OUT PwC Luxembourg TechTalk RTLTODAY #PWCTHINKLAB Specialties: #Communications #writingskills #story #storytelling #StrategicPlanning #business #finance #BrandManagement, #StakeholderRelations #StakerholderEngagement #communications #executive #public relations #senior manager, #leadership #social media #writingfortheweb #webwriting #externalcommunications #internalcommunication #marketing #integratedmarketing #marketingcampaigns #finance #mining” #steel #marketing #advertising” #media #writing #editing #publicaffairs #Jounralism #clientexperience #agencyexperience #tenyearsexperience #corporateresponsibility #authorship #speechwriting #metricsbased communications #bilingual #French #english #publishing #economy #promotion #marketing
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