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Maryam Hamayun✍️'s Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Maryam Hamayun✍️

Maryam Hamayun✍️

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(After pondering countless times whether to take the leap and ask) I finally ask, "What is lacking in my profile, Dean sir?" He said, "Clarity." And this led me on a mission of writing my profile with utmost clarity. I analyzed 50+ profiles, and most of them were; Failing in building trust in the eyes of potential prospects Using fancy words to muddy up their offers instead of clarifying Ignoring their "about" section, just like folks ignore ads on YouTube You've heard others say your profile is like a landing page. But, does it really drive your prospects to take action? I know you must’ve put in effort writing your profile, but it needs an extra leap to really stand out. And I help you write your profile with a research-nerd-focus by taking all the right step: Taking notes from genuine reviews Spending 5+ hours researching your ICP’s Having 1-on-1 call to grasp the offer Just to get you a poised-patty-perfect profile!!!! A profile that; → Communicate your refined core offer using right words → Draw in pre-qualified leads, not every Tom, Dick, or Harry → Infuse your trustworthy persona with vim and vigor → Pass on vibe to top-tiers to connect with you → Position you as an epitome of authority → Send trust signals to your prospect Send me a ‘warm’ DM to get your profile done!

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