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Maryline Lakh

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In the digital age, knowing how to communicate on the web is like having a "super power". That' s why it is so important to use it wisely! After 15 years of professional experience in communication in the logistics sector and an MBA in digital marketing, I decided in 2022 : ✔️to embark on the adventure of entrepreneurship, ✔️ to put this super power at the service of positive impact companies 🌱 and committed players in the logistics sector 📦 My main objective: = to make your positive impact better known on the web and help you find more customers, to sustain your business. This involves building and implementing effective𝘀 and responsible digital communication strategies ! My strenghts : ✔️Find the right communication channels to reach your targets ✔️Search web content ideas that are relevant to your targets + writing and optimising them, so you can be found easily on the right search terms ✔️Teach you how to communicate effectively on LinkedIn and develop your visibility on the web on your own! And my little extra ➕: Translate and adapt your web content from German into French, to make it correspond to the culture and search terms of French internet users! ------ I've also decided to continually train myself to adopt high-performance communication practices that are also responsible and ethical. And to show the way to other entrepreneurs and committed citizens: 1- Every Friday on my LinkedIn page, I give the voice to other entrepreneurs who are taking action for more sustainable logistics! 2- I highlight my entrepreneurial journey. I give advice on effective and responsible communication. And I also show how I'm progressing, by sharing my questions, my successes and my doubts! Follow my adventures on this thread 👇

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