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Chief Discovery Officer...Chief Transformation Officer...Chief Growth Officer...no matter what you call me, my role is multifaceted. I provide fractional growth and innovation leadership to start-ups and enterprises so they can achieve 10x outcomes with less risk, cost, and time. Start-ups and enterprises work with me to learn, discover, and seize new opportunities, like activating AI and new work systems, finding product market fit for the tech, and delivering 10x impact on business productivity and performance. As a highly regarded TRANSFORMATION CATALYST, BUILDER, and FIXER, I apply a novel combination of business design, experimentation, and management consulting practices to achieve better outcomes faster. Prior to embarking on my entrepreneurial journey, I held senior positions at renowned companies including EY, GE Digital, Razorfish and Hyland. With over two decades of experience in strategy, operations and product development, I bring a wealth of expertise and learnings pioneering better approaches and solutions. If you have a big vision and want to go further, faster, let's talk! FOCUS AREAS: - AI Innovation & Product Integration - Growth Strategy Development & Execution - Product-Market Fit & Stakeholder Engagement (Lean Start-Up) - Organizational & Work Restructuring & Design (Future of Work) - Strategic Leadership & Change Management - Exponential Organizations by Design ETHOS: The status quo of outdated playbooks and linear growth no longer has to be. There is as much opportunity as we decide to get after - lets go! LIFE MISSION & SIDE HUSTLES: - Building the next generation of businesses to unleash human performance, well-being and abundance - Monetizing unpaid labor + Redesigning the home operating system, division of labor, and care economy by using emerging technology and innovation to transform. - Raising 3 incredible humans

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