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Mary Wu's Linkedin Analytics

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Mary Wu

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Are you looking for community, connections, and clients? If you're a business owner looking to expand your network exponentially LinkedIn is the place to be. But sometimes you need a guide to help you make the best use of LinkedIn exponentially and expediently. LinkedIn can be a great source of high-quality referrals IF you know what you’re doing. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you could easily waste a lot of time. You could even get kicked off the platform for trying spammy tactics. But when you use LinkedIn the RIGHT way, it can act like a gold mine for your business. If you’re wondering how you can be sure you’re using LinkedIn the right way, especially with all the changes the platform likes to make, that’s where I come in. I started my entrepreneurial journey as a virtual assistant but found I was increasingly drawn to one thing my clients wanted me to do for them: managing their social media profiles. At first, it sounded easy enough, but the more social media marketing I did, the more she learned that it’s its own world. Each social media channel plays by its own rules, has its own algorithms, and caters to a unique audience. Plus, each channel is constantly making changes, which makes keeping up with all those changes a job all on its own. I discovered that my clients got the best cash flow through the strategic use of LinkedIn. Contact me by sending a message on LinkedIn or sending an email to mary.wu.va @ gmail.com.

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