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Matt Sparkman

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Full time dad of two girls 5 & 9 & husband to my beautiful wife of 15 years. Former blue collar construction worker who’s worked in a number of trades. First jobs were in restaurants as a teenager washing dishes, bussing tables and prepping food. Worked in sheet rock, residential framing, and Completed three years of an electricians apprenticeship in my twenties, then decided to become a high rise tower crane operator instead. And then, after almost 10 scattered years of feast or famine crane operating with a four year detour after one economic collapse, worked as a stagehand in New York City, an Iron worker in Los Angeles, ran a shovel for backhoes in excavations in San Diego, with my last 5 year stretch In tower cranes in New Mexico, Orange County, and the Phoenix Arizona valley,-made a career pivot out of the tower crane industry into tech and SaaS sales at 41. Generally a happy and positive guy who’s passionate about promoting financial freedom for everyone and improving the relationship between employers and employees, leveraging technology. Student of life & lifelong learner. CrossFitter, mountain biker, snowboarder, photographer, Grand Canyon rim to rim hiker, desert dweller, car lover, reader, thinker, brother, friend; human having an experience. I’ve suffered enough tragedy to know that adopting a Grateful, thankful, smiling eternal optimists mindset is the best way to enjoy life with all of its ups and downs but also requires daily effort and maintenance. Mostly busy designing a life where I can share the maximum amount of time with my wife and children.

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