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Matthew Priest

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I am a partner who helps clients to save money through tax and by understanding their figures. I look after a varied portfolio of clients, helping them achieve their business objectives whatever they may be. I work closely with clients to identify goals and put plans in place to reach these goals. Excellent service and tax saving is an added bonus! My real strength is in my ability to build excellent relationships with my clients to really get to know them and what they want from the business and aligning personal objectives with business objectives. The fun is helping them achieve it. I enjoy working closely with family businesses and utilizing other services we have in house such as financial advisers and inheritance tax planning to enable us to offer the complete financial solution. I often tell clients the more we know, the more we can help and the more we can save. As an accountant I am able to offer much more than just advice on the numbers. Over the course of my career I have dealt with hundreds of businesses and picked up loads of information on how successful businesses are built and continue to grow. My specialties in addition to family run businesses are – Holiday homes, care, start-ups and anything in the health and fitness sector. All things health and fitness is my other passion in life and I have often been known to throw in the odd bit of fitness advice as well as accountancy. This is the area of my portfolio I would love to grow to merge my two passions. If anyone is in this industry I would love to meet for a coffee. Or if you know of anyone who is, for my details to be passed to them.

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