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Matt Rindahl

open on linkedin

Coming out of college with a cybersecurity degree, I thought getting a job would be a breeze... boy was I wrong. After plenty months of searching and searching, I was finally introduced to tech sales- a great path to blend my outgoing personality with my technical skillset. I am a relationship builder, with a current focus on helping security teams efficiently manage digital assets and dependencies that grow over time due to digital transformation. I use my technical background to effectively articulate problems and communicate solutions to a variety of stakeholders with varying comprehension levels. I am interested in all things cybersecurity, photography, and Formula 1, so if you'd like to chat about any interesting news, topics, or trends, send me a message! Not familiar with Attack Surface Management? Shoot me a message or schedule time on my calendar here: https://calendly.com/matt-rindahl IONIX Awards: 2022 Baby Black Unicorn Gold Winner 2023 Cybersecurity Excellence Award Gold Winner 2023 Cyber Defense Magazine Award Gold Winner 2023 Globee Awards Gold Winner 2023 Cyber Top 20 leader - ASM

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