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Maureen Baas's Linkedin Analytics

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Maureen Baas

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Results-Driven Marketeer | Brand Strategist | Retail & E-commerce Expert Award-winning, commercially driven marketing leader with a track record of driving business growth and innovation across renowned global brands and across industries, spanning FMCG to consumer durables and retail. B2C and B2B. With a proven ability to craft and execute integrated marketing strategies, I excel in building high-performing, purpose-driven teams, fostering digital transformation and achieving robust business results. My diverse expertise covers brand and customer lifecycle management, creative storytelling and innovative communication approaches, incl. influencers, creators, and AI. My commercial acumen is derived from hands-on management of omnichannel strategies (retail, e-commerce, trade), and having led e-commerce businesses with full P&L responsibility, overseeing e.g., commercial strategy, portfolio management, market expansion, and operational efficiency.

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