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Meg Hetherington

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Meg Hetherington is the CEO/Team Leader of KW Lifestyles Realty located in London, Windsor, Chatham and Sarnia Ontario Canada. She is a seasoned CEO, entrepreneur, Human Potential Coach, New Thought Spiritual Coach & Practitioner, Best Selling Author and public speaker . Enjoying a 32 year real estate career, she has consistently lead individuals and teams to discover and leverage their full potential through individual coaching platforms and group training. As a master spiritual psychology and human potential coach, based in metaphysical science and specialized kinesiology, Meg supports individuals in healing past traumas, recognizing and shifting limited beliefs that results in discovering their truth, becoming fully empowered to live happy, healthy, conscious lives. In private practice for over 20 years, Meg works with individuals through one on one counseling programs along with group masterminds. Meg has continued her studies as a Minister of Religious Science and Dr. of Divinity. Keller Williams, the largest real estate company in the world, has an agent centric culture with emphasis on award winning education and mentoring platforms coupled with leading edge technology. Keller Williams promotes a model that rewards associates as stakeholder partners. Together, surrounded by a supportive, highly energetic, production driven environment, Meg is confident that everyone is afforded the opportunity to create a business worth owning and a life worth living.

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