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Megan Finn

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Are you a Founder that is ready to build out a sales team? Have you raised a round of funding and you are ready to take your organization to the next level? Have your sales become stagnant and you think it might be time to implement a new approach? I’ve been working with start-ups for over 10 years now. The most common mistakes I see are: -Building your sales team without a process already in place -Trying to launch with out a solid go to market strategy -Thinking that you can generate revenue without tools to help you do so. Having a solid go to market strategy includes a solid grasp on your ICP, messaging that resonates with your prospects and reproducible processes in place so you know what is and isn’t working…and having the tools to help you get there. In my role at The Mom Project, we started off by throwing whatever we could at the wall to see what would stick. After a couple months, it wasn’t going well. We sat down and developed a strategy, which included developing talk tracks, outreach, a reproducible process from prospecting to close and implementing tools to help automate and evaluate our process. Once this was all in place, we started seeing significant revenue grow month over month….and we knew what worked so we were able to train the team as we grew. It’s really simple. Taking the time to build a sales process and go to market strategy will set you up for success. Whether you are just starting off and need to develop this strategy or you have identified that you need to pivot, the task can be daunting and time consuming. Let me help! I would love to help you build….or re-build your GTM strategy so you can take your business to the next level. Book a meeting to learn more today!

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