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Megharaj Shetty 🟢's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Megharaj Shetty 🟢

Megharaj Shetty 🟢

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Hi there! I'm Meghraj, an AE who's all about closing sales and generating revenue. I believe that sales is the bread and butter of all companies, and I've been striving to help businesses leverage it to their advantage. Starting out as an SDR, I quickly learned that people are busy and won't respond to the same old emails. That's why I've mastered the art of using GIFs, videos, short emails, and cold calls to get a response. I've even helped clients innovate the way they communicate with their leads, customers, and partners. My knack for innovation doesn't stop there. I've helped companies get more leads by exploring new avenues like social media, newsletters, and cold calls. In the cutthroat world of SaaS, it's all about getting more leads faster and at the same cost. Thanks to my innovative strategies, several of my clients have won RFPs. When I'm not working, you'll find me spending time with friends and family. Want to chat about sales or need some help? Give me a call at +91-9689568585 or shoot me an email at [email protected].

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