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Mehdi Boursin Bouhassoune's Linkedin Analytics

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Profile picture of Mehdi Boursin Bouhassoune

Mehdi Boursin Bouhassoune

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What you learn, you become. Truly passionate about learning, and ever-curious. Similar to Frederic Douglass, I have noticed first-hand the transformative aspect of knowledge; on myself, my businesses & my career. Today I take this philosophy and share it with other businesses, advising on the best research, business intelligence and data to help them evolve and reach their next levels. I am an ambitious professional with 5 years of experience building and scaling businesses internationally in data, insights & business intelligence throughout the Public, Education and Non-Profit sectors across entrepreneurial ventures, start-ups and established corporations. As an individual, I try to take everything as a learning opportunity and apply my entrepreneurial and positive mindset to the challenges that make me grow and thrive. Also, I love product marketing.

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