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Meiry Vaknin

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I am currently the VP of Partnerships at YouAppi, an industry-leading performance-based mobile app marketing and retargeting platform for brands. This exciting role has enabled me to focus on leading all strategic planning efforts including new market entries, client relations, and the ability to offer a range of mobile marketing solutions. My experience and knowledge in supporting clients, campaign optimizations, and the mobile ad landscape have been the main cause of my contribution to the company. Prior to this, I served as the Director of Partnerships which focused on the global growth of the company allowing our team to penetrate new markets in various regions and successfully set up the first location in that area. This role allowed me to gain experience in developing cultural awareness and a set of skills that are vital for working in a global company. In 2014, I started my career at YouAppi as one of the first few employees in the company and after a few short years, I became a key member of the team who has remained focused on the art of building, managing and maintaining relationships with partners ranging from all levels of the business. Even from an early age, I have always been very passionate, strategic and calculated. For example, during high-school, I partnered with a couple of friends to create a project company that focused on providing high-quality game and voice servers to a broad range of customers. The success we had resulted in selling our business to a larger company. While still at high school I have joined on a part-time job one of the first mobile ad networks - Todacell. My time at Todacell has built the basics of my knowledge and background in mobile and in ad-tech, which has turned into a multi-billion dollar industry. My high level of determination, dedication, and eagerness to learn have always driven me forward in each of my roles. I remain truly passionate about mobile, marketing, apps and building results-driven relationships where all parties involved come out on top, so reach out to me today and allow me to help bridge that connection.

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