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Hi everyone, that's so much for stopping by to learn a little about me. Before I share that, I want to share some horrible stats with you. That's right, I'm starting off my Linkedin Bio page with horrible stats. I promise it only goes up from here! 67% of management teams and leaders can't name the priorities of the business or CEO/business owner. 95% of employees don't know the business strategy or vision. 82% of managers end up being the wrong hire. Running and structuring a business for success is often top of mind for many busy business owners and CEOs but often takes a back seat. Getting the right people on the boat, gaining clarity on where you're going, and then getting everyone rowing in the same direction with accountability and discipline is one of the hardest parts. I know that first hand after over 20 years of professional experience in various scale ups, working closely with growth minded small businesses, and my years of experience in coaching and leading teams and business owners going through organizational change, and building and running my own business. I help business owners and executives to solve these 3 things and simplify their business: 1. Vision: Get clarity on where you're going and how you're going to get there. 2. Traction: I help you to implement comprehensive -proven foundational tools and frameworks that drive accountability and discipline throughout your business. THIS, is what enables teams to move faster and achieve results. 3. Healthy: Build intentional culture: A strong and cohesive leadership team. Once this is in place, so goes the rest of the organization. The proven system I use is called EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System). So if you're a business owner who wants to get more from your business, I'd love to help you get there faster. The thing I want you to know is that I totally know what it feels like to be ‘stuck’ or ‘burnt out’ or just completely overwhelmed by your business. The great news is, is that you don’t have to keep trying to steer a ship without a GPS! Whether your goal is more growth, maybe it’s more profit, maybe it’s more time back…? Maybe it’s all 3?! I promise that the work that we do together will eliminate wasted efforts, resources and money and achieve the results you've been working for so you can get everything you want from your business. Can you imagine what this would be like? Final stat: I'm part of a coaching firm called Outpace. And out of the 130 Outpace Clients who implemented EOS, 78% had their best year ever. It’s totally possible.

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