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Mesum Raza Hemani's Linkedin Analytics

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Mesum Raza Hemani

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A Business advocate with through Technology & Automation experience. Privileged to passionately serve at a Multinational Forbes Fastest 500 Software firm, A Business Intelligence Product startup and Currently spearheading data driven culture at NBP Fund Management Ltd. Proactive problem solver with excellent communication abilities. I am ambitioned to utilize and create unique applications of advance analytics and automation to create data driven solutions that focus on quantifiable business results. Qualified ACCA with a Honorary Bachelors degree awarded from Oxford Brooke's University. My continuous drive to learn and implement cutting edge technologies have brought me to earn a host of certifications around Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Business Intelligence including a Tableau Desktop Specialist title from Tableau. On a voluntary contribution I head Karachi's Largest AI community labelled as Karachi.AI with 4K+ Professionals, Students and Academic Researchers. Welcome to my profile, Let's make this connection fruitful!

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